Confused on which CCNA study materials is the actual answer? So am I.

Today’s tech studies blog

Its so frustrating – Reddit says one thing, YouTuber says something else, CBTNuggets, Boson, Todd Lammle, Cisco Academy etc. I don’t know where to put my energy, my time.

As of right now, I am spending my time writing this journal. I feel somewhat guilty for not using this time more appropriately. Yet at the same time, I don’t feel as anxious. I might even just be able to end this journal and go back to digesting information.

I am using Quizlet to make flash cards for myself, watching Chris Bryant CCNA videos, reading Todd Lammle book and searching for what to use for practice tests and labs. I find myself constantly going back and researching the basics because it isn’t sticking. I have been studying for about a month now and doing non serious studies for a few months. I am only on chapter 3 of Todd Lammle book and 6% through Chris Bryant videos.

I am going to end my writing with this video as it is something I often try to remember in my life Productivity Visual – 7 big rocks.

Feel free to leave a comment about your own ways to stay productive, remain focused, how do you study, what your goals are, motivation quotes that help you, suggest a video to watch. Perhaps you’ve passed your CCNA and have insight about how you did it! Either way leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you.